result count: 5

Sys425419_nameMemory of Wisdom
Sys425419_szquest_accept_detail[SC_Z23HEROSOULSPEAKS_00|(You seem to feel an ancient memory...)]\n\nShould not...any kind of existence have the right to decide their own fate?\n\nSo, why should the true dragons decide our destiny?\n\nMaybe what Maderoth said...isn't entirely without reason, right?\n\nThe people of the world should have the right to know the truth about the dragons, as well as their destructive power. And this power should be guarded against.\n\nOtherwise, any vulnerable race is bound to live forever under the reign of dragons!\n\ it really like this? The more I think...the less I understand...these are not the desires of Karebas.
Sys425419_szquest_complete_detail(You tell [120281|Owain Bagg] about what just happened.)\n\nThe energy stored in these crystals seems to be the memory of heroes!\n\n...Was this also caused by Heaven's Wrath?\n\nI don't know if these fragments of memories can return to the heroes' souls.\n\nBut I can confirm...if the ruins are destroyed, these memories will be lost forever.
Sys425419_szquest_descGo to where the soul of [121021|Lafender Abeks] is stored and summon the memories of the ancient hero.
Sys425419_szquest_uncomplete_detailAre you felt a memory from the [241322|Condensed Energy Crystal]?