result count: 6

SC_Z23425428_1[101232|Poison Dragon Sav] appears, searching for his next prey.
Sys425428_namePoison Dragon Sav
Sys425428_szquest_accept_detailA loud uproar appears in the distance...\n\nI don't want to hate humans, but I tell you, someone broke into [ZONE_FERFE|Fyrwor] in the ancient wind dragons' rest area. I think it must have been one of you greedy guys.\n\nI don't mind telling you another thing. The Envoy of Balance relocated the poisonous dragon leading wyrms there for your safety. If you don't go quickly, that person may be dead.\n\n[SC_QUESTSTRING_03|(Recommended group size: 3)]
Sys425428_szquest_complete_detail(It looks like this person isn't going to make it...and you feel the poison invading you...)
Sys425428_szquest_descGo to [ZONE_FERFE|Fyrwor] and challenge [101232|Poison Dragon Sav]
Sys425428_szquest_uncomplete_detail(If you keep shaking him, he will very likely spit up blood and die...)