result count: 5

Sys425458_szquest_accept_detail([120700|Planchett] softly speaks to you.)\n\nI've heard that someone is preparing something for [120519|Babbats], but [120575|Banny] seems to have forgotten. I usually go when I'm free, or she'll give it to me when she's free, but it's too easy to forget when I'm busy with research. Can you help me ask [120575|Banny] how the gift is coming?
Sys425458_szquest_complete_detailThis carefully wrapped parcel was stuffed in the corner and forgotten? That sounds just like [120575|Banny]. Still, only she seems to know which gifts are most appropriate. I doubt anyone else could a better job.
Sys425458_szquest_descGo and get the [241272|Present for Babbats] for Queen [120519|Babbats] from [120575|Banny].
Sys425458_szquest_uncomplete_detail[120575|Banny] is conscientious but also very forgetful. I'd say she's probably forgotten.