result count: 6

SC_Z24Q425578_ANGRYBEARDie you thief!
Sys425578_nameTundra Crystals
Sys425578_szquest_accept_detailOne failure doesn't mean anything. I will not stop until I have finished my research on the [241812|Ice Matter]. They're now going to raise their defenses. This will be a small challenge... and I can't accept it... Oh, I know my abilities. I don't feel embarrassed if there is something that I can't do, because I can just give it to someone who can, a knight who is willing to be my accomplice for example. Right, [$playername]?
Sys425578_szquest_complete_detailYou did it! We did it! Let's learn all of this thing's secrets, shall we?
Sys425578_szquest_descGo to [ZONE_KORM_DOME|Korum Dome] and obtain 5 [<S>241812|Ice Matter].
Sys425578_szquest_uncomplete_detailIt's up to you, my partner. Can I call you that?