result count: 5

Sys425628_nameComrade from the Fellowship of the Holy Stone
Sys425628_szquest_accept_detail([121120|Celonia] is deep in thought...)\n\nLosing the true dragon's air defense has unsettled many of the warriors. \n\nAnd the existence of [107213|Zalkenrys] doesn't bode well either. We may as well be powerless! Are you sure this is what you want to do? \n\nSince I can't change your mind, I think you need to know some information. \n\nCurrently we still don't know when [107213|Zalkenrys] always shows up, but maybe you can lure [107213|Zalkenrys] by destroying all the [<S>107331|Transport Channels] in the production plant.\n\n<CY>[SC_QUESTSTRING_12|(This is a group quest. You have to be patient and prepare well. Good luck!)]</CY>
Sys425628_szquest_complete_detailSpecial Envoy... You are unbelievable! \n\nThanks be to the Holy King... I had no idea...We're not down for the count yet!
Sys425628_szquest_descIn order to ensure the safety of the locals, you decide to destroy the [107213|Zalkenrys]!
Sys425628_szquest_uncomplete_detailWe will find a way to destroy this factory...\n\nBut when that day comes...\n\nWe will no longer be able to avoid a direct clash between us and the [<S>107213|Zalkenrys].