result count: 7

SC_425638_0Careful, the device is indicating nearby fluctuations.
SC_425638_1A strange chasm appears in the sky.
Sys425638_nameEmergency Defense
Sys425638_szquest_accept_detailThe rune detection device just detected a strong shock wave, which means that the powerful [SC_KLADOREN|Kladoren Monsters] are going to emerge.\n\nThose monsters seldom come outside the castle! We haven't received such a strong shock wave for a long time. Once the [SC_KLADOREN|Kladoren Monster] take us over and remove the seal on the Castle of Bedim, the world will come to an end.\n\ us!
Sys425638_szquest_complete_detailThank the gods! We had never been that fiercely attacked before today! We probably wouldn't have made it without your help! Thank you!\n\nBut...I'm very worried. The protection devices made of the holy trees used to be able to keep those monsters from coming out of the area. Recently the monsters have become unusually active, so I'm wondering if there is something wrong with the holy trees.
Sys425638_szquest_descFight off the Kladoren.
Sys425638_szquest_uncomplete_detailTheir attack isn't over yet!