result count: 12

SC_425640_SCMD_0I know you are looking for the puny king.
SC_425640_SCMD_1Fortunately, he is now in my hands.
SC_425640_SCMD_2Surely I will take good care of this honored guest.
SC_425640_SCMD_3However, if you want the king returned to you...
SC_425640_SCMD_4Bring me the [241327|Holy Tree Fruit] and the amulet of the Korum King.
SC_425640_SCMD_5Ah, yes, we still need a small toy from my old friend [107142|Maderoth].
SC_425640_SCMD_6I think they're called [<S>241207|Rune Storage Cubes]. I will come to you when you've collected them all.
Sys425640_nameTruth or Lies
Sys425640_szquest_accept_detailHey... \n\nGenerally speaking, we must take anything [121229|Sismond] says with a grain of salt. But as it pertains to the king's safety this time, we have no choice but to follow up on [121229|Sismond's] request. I doubt even [121229|Sismond] could come up with a lie that's this colorful. So while it's a stretch to think that he has got his hands on the king, that scheming little demon is sitting on some kind of clue. I just know it. \n\nWe must seek out the items specified by [121229|Sismond] for now. We should split up. You go and grab the [242027|Gray King's Talisman] and the [241327|Holy Tree Fruit]. I'll head to the Production Plant and confirm the location of the [241207|Rune Storage Cube]. I can't give any guarantees though. Just getting into [SC_INCEPTION|Production Plant] is enough of a headache.
Sys425640_szquest_complete_detailI knew you could get back here on the double. \n\nOne of my scouts was seriously wounded on his way back to report, but he swears that he spotted a Rune Storage Cube in [SC_INCEPTION|Production Plant].
Sys425640_szquest_descBring back the [242027|Gray King's Talisman] and the [241327|Holy Tree Fruit].\n([241327|Holy Tree Fruit] can be obtained from the quests from [121214|Olotia].)\n([242027|Gray King's Talisman] can be obtained by killing [107088|Gray King Sheluud] or from the [121682|Korum Sacrum Chest].)
Sys425640_szquest_uncomplete_detailMy scouts still haven't dug up any news about the king's whereabouts, so it's still necessary to seek out the items that Sismond has asked for.