result count: 8

SC_425715_1Pass on the request of [121337|Votakai].
SC_425715_2How dare he?! He is the Sanctuary of Balance Instructor in training, how could he defy the law of the water dragons. I can't let it happen again! Tell him that he'd better come here immediately to take over the work. If I see him, I will definitely ask [120806|Bankelemos] to remove the elemental power from him.
SC_425715_3You must come to [ZONE_CRUMBLING_BASTILLE|Fallen Throne of Embers]! Or I am screwed!
Sys425715_nameA little wish before sleepwalking
Sys425715_szquest_accept_detailBy the way, I've overheard some alliance soldiers talk about many interesting things in human cities, I wonder if they are true. You know that we're not allowed to interfere in human affairs, so we seldom enter human territory, but after all I've heard, I can hardly hold back my curiosity!\n\nSo I want to go see those places before the next Sleepwalking, because I am afraid I'll have forgotten all this after I wake up from my long sleep. After all, we sleep for several months at least, and those sleeping the longest time still haven't woken up yet. It is hard to remember things after such a long time! That's why I want to ask you for help.\n\nIt is like this: I have to report to elder [121341|Norhonsar] before I go, but he will not allow it if I tell him myself. That's why you have to tell him! Just say there's something I have to do and I might come back a little later for Sleepwalking.\n\nHe is in the [ZONE_CRUMBLING_BASTILLE|Fallen Throne of Embers] at the moment doing some guarding. Good Luck!
Sys425715_szquest_complete_detailHe really said this...\n\nI know him very well. He won't change his mind, I have to give up. Please go to [ZONE_CRUMBLING_BASTILLE|Fallen Throne of Embers] with me and intercede for me, otherwise I'll be a dead man!
Sys425715_szquest_descGo to the [ZONE_CRUMBLING_BASTILLE|Fallen Throne of Embers], find [121341|Norhonsar] and tell him about [121337|Votakai's] request.
Sys425715_szquest_uncomplete_detailHe is currently working as a guard in [ZONE_CRUMBLING_BASTILLE|Fallen Throne of Embers]. Thank you for doing this!