result count: 12

SC_425717_0[121341|Norhonsar] starts casting spells.
SC_425717_1The air around starts to become charged.
SC_425717_2[121338|Votakai] starts to tremble.
SC_425717_3[121341|Norhonsar]: [121338|Votakai]! Don't give up!
SC_425717_4[121338|Votakai] lets out a moan.
SC_425717_5([121338|Votakai] stops breathing.)
SC_425717_6([121338|Votakai] wears a pained expression.)
Sys425717_szquest_accept_detailRemember! Don't let anything disturb me while I'm casting the spells. You will notice it when the spell casting is completed. \n\nLet me know when you're ready.
Sys425717_szquest_complete_detailDamn! I'm an idiot! \n\nIt's all my fault! How could I leave [121337|Votakai] in this elemental flow for such a long time! I'm his elder but I didn't ever notice this!\n\n([121341|Norhonsar] is murmuring to himself...)\nI'm sorry...\n\nLittle guy, it's the only thing I can do for you...
Sys425717_szquest_descLet [121341|Norhonsar] know that you're ready and assist in defeating the enemies who are interfering in the Sleepwalking.
Sys425717_szquest_uncomplete_detail([121341|Norhonsar] doesn't seem to be done with his spells.)