result count: 5

Sys425731_nameConversation Bridge
Sys425731_szquest_accept_detailIt's fantastic that the ceremony was successful, but that doesn't mean we can rest easy. In fact, the best thing we can do now is be even more concentrated on conducting the ceremonies to communicate. We must make this success commonplace and prevent it from becoming just a fluke. I must hurry and prepare the items that are needed next. \n\n[$playername], I understand that you're very busy, but I can't do this all myself. Do you think you could find the time to help me collect some [<S>241313|Moon Weeping Grass]? This is a very important material. Bring it to me and I'll take care of the rest.
Sys425731_szquest_complete_detailIn order to prevent the upcoming catastrophe, the Holy King has instructed us to find the Holy Trees for each area and establish a line of trust between them. That way we'll have a lot of help when the disaster arrives. I think the problems experienced by [SC_GUTAI_01|Holy Tree Gutai] must be part of the disaster that the Holy King is talking about.
Sys425731_szquest_descPick 10 [<S>241313|Moon Weeping Grass] and give them to [121133|Aliess].
Sys425731_szquest_uncomplete_detailThe futures of many races ride on this war. I think it's fortunate that we can make this effort so that we can play a bigger part in the result.