result count: 5

Sys425803_nameEliminate Red Wolves
Sys425803_szquest_accept_detailThe [<S>106695|Salvond Red Wolves] are attacking any passing-by troops, since their resting place is being occupied by the Punishers. This increases our danger even more, I didn't expect we'd have to put up with those terrifying wolves...\n\nKill a few Red Wolves for us to make the transport convoy's way a little safer.
Sys425803_szquest_complete_detailBaaa...Your skill of killing wolves is impressive! You're the Hillfurs' hero! Hero!
Sys425803_szquest_descHelp the Hillfur's transport convoy to kill 10 [<S>106695|Salvond Red Wolves].
Sys425803_szquest_uncomplete_detailActually compared to those guys falling from the sky, these wolves frighten me much more.