result count: 6

SC_Z24Q425878_01([121823|Gaddy] hurt his feet. We have to carry him.)
Sys425878_nameGaddy in Danger
Sys425878_szquest_accept_detailThis is bad! [121823|Gaddy] has fallen off a cliff! You have to hurry! Rescue him!
Sys425878_szquest_complete_detail[121823|Gaddy] asked for my help to rescue his mother. We tried to sneak off, and went along the cliff to get to the bridge unnoticed. I'm sorry, please don't blame me for this. And please don't tell anyone, will you?
Sys425878_szquest_descRescue [121823|Gaddy].
Sys425878_szquest_uncomplete_detailWe aren't brave enough to rescue him...but you! You can do it!