result count: 9

SC_425977_0You take a sip and find that the juice doesn't really taste right.
SC_425977_1You collect your courage to take another sip.\nYou start feeling nauseous.
SC_425977_2You take another sip. Your stomach seems to turn over.
SC_425977_3As you're looking at the glass you just emptied, you realize what that weird taste was! Panzilla feces!
Sys425977_nameSpecial Drink
Sys425977_szquest_accept_detailOkay! Okay! Let's drink it together! \n\nValiant friend has a drink, and [121844|Mochizz] has a drink! \n([121844|Mochizz] quickly pours the juice into the fruit shell.) \n\nAnd down with it in one go! That's how [121844|Mochizz] likes his friends!
Sys425977_szquest_complete_detailDelicious, isn't it? \n\n[121844|Mochizz] made it himself, and just for you! Nobody else has the pleasure to taste it!
Sys425977_szquest_descDrink the juice [121844|Mochizz] has created for you.
Sys425977_szquest_uncomplete_detailWe can't be friends if you don't drink it!