result count: 7

SC_Z24Q425984_01I'm here for the herb notes from [121881|Shárgon].
SC_Z24Q425984_02You want the notes? But they are not totally done yet. Anyway, I'm tired. Take them with you.
Sys425984_nameShárgon's Treasure
Sys425984_szquest_accept_detailI want to give the notes about the herbal knowledge of the [SC_Z25_GUPU|Gubod] to the Great Flow Master. I started to write them down long ago, and they were nearly completed, but during the war the [SC_Z25_GUPU|Gubod] have made new discoveries, and I asked [121906|Pololo] of the [SC_Z25_GUPU|Gubod] to write this newly found knowledge down. Adding the new findings should be finished by now, we'd just need to get them. \n\nIt took me a lot of time and effort to collect this information! With these notes, we can improve our knowledge considerably and we won't be depending on the [SC_Z25_GUPU|Gubod] as much as before. The record contains every herb growing in the area of the [ZONE_Z25_SERBAYT_PASS|Syrbal Pass] and describes their usage and habitat. \n\nSo, that would be the thing I want the most...I hope it will be useful to the Great Flow Master.
Sys425984_szquest_complete_detailYes, that's the manuscript. Thank you! I will take it to the Great Flow Master immediately. It will be very useful in the right hands!
Sys425984_szquest_descFind the item [121881|Shárgon] wants to have the most.
Sys425984_szquest_uncomplete_detailMost of the knowledge of the [SC_Z25_GUPU|Gubod] is transmitted orally, and no records exist. So many recipes are unknown to us...isn't that a shame?