result count: 6

Sys426037_nameFoolproof Equipment
Sys426037_szquest_accept_detail([121917|Sheb Leighton] takes the [<S>242216|Badges of Curse] and starts working on the [242217|Zurhidon Disguise].) \n\nAh...finally. It's done! \n\nCommander, you don't have to be concerned. This [242217|Zurhidon Disguise] absolutely safe to use. \n\nI bet [121820|Karod] will be surprised to see how soon our work has been finished!
Sys426037_szquest_complete_detailPerfect! Our preparations have been completed! \n\nNow it won't be long until [121920|Lodik] can finally be brought to justice!
Sys426037_szquest_descTake the [242217|Zurhidon Disguise] to [121820|Karod] and report that the preparations to enter the [ZONE_BLACK_GUBLIN_BUNKER|Black Goberyn Bunker] have been completed.
Sys426037_szquest_uncomplete_detailFriend...has [121917|Sheb Leighton] told you about a way to enter the [ZONE_BLACK_GUBLIN_BUNKER|Black Goberyn Bunker] yet?
Z25_QUEST426037_00[Sys426037_name|Foolproof Equipment]: Reporting back to [121820|Karod] has been completed.