result count: 5

Sys426174_nameWho is Kolanda?
Sys426174_szquest_accept_detailYou small slaves. Your queen! Me! I can't accept the desolation of Master [102995|Maderoth]. I must fight. That is the only way to get the attention of [102995|Maderoth]! \n\nHurry and let the Punishers take some firearms there. Kill any of that Alliance waste that you come across. Then, bring back the wood, animal meat and animal skins from the forest! \n\nI want to take this <CS>Little Baby</CS> trapped in my hand and the military exploits to report to Master [102995|Maderoth]. I must have [102995|Maderoth] look with a fresh pair of eyes... Remember this matter is top secret! \n\nYour queen, [107698|Kolanda]!
Sys426174_szquest_complete_detail[107698|Kolanda]...\n\nAccording to our reports, she is one of the Thirteen Circles. They are occupying the Flame Temple. The [ZONE_PTRACI_WALL|Wall of Patrace] is always suffering attacks from the Flame Temple. It must be because of her. \n\nI will send someone to report this matter to the princess. [115629|Ungad] doesn't need to worry.
Sys426174_szquest_descTake the [242580|Secret Order] to [122204|Tisku].
Sys426174_szquest_uncomplete_detailNice to meet you, [115629|Ungad].