result count: 8

SC_426207_1_0Pick up the eggs from the den.
SC_426207_2You've already collected a sufficient amount.
SC_426207_3There are no complete eggs inside.
Sys426207_nameEating Delicious Food
Sys426207_szquest_accept_detailIt's my duty to cook delicious food for those in need, but do you think I can find good ingredients in this awful place? Oh! This is such a setback for me...\n\n(You say that you are willing to help him on this sacred mission.)\n\nAre you serious? ! I didn't expect everyone to reject my request. Now someone has taken the initiative to help me. It seems that the gods have heard about my dream to become a legendary chef! \n\n(You look at [122342|Patch] with doubt. According to [122341|Kargath Duran], [122342|Patch] should be preparing food rations. What is this about a dream to become a legendary chef?) \n\nI already know what ingredients I want. Listen carefully! I want the Juice of the [107718|Boiling Water Scorpion], the Colored Mushrooms growing around the lake, the Fossils from the lake and...Eggs! That's right, eggs. It doesn't matter what kind of eggs. After all I want to boil them. Haha! \n\n(It's difficult to imagine what kind of normal dish [122342|Patch] could make with these ingredients...)
Sys426207_szquest_complete_detailWith such complete preparations, could I still call myself a chef if I couldn't make something delicious?! Watch this. You will be amazed by my skills. \n\n([122342|Patch] takes the [107718|Boiling Water Scorpion] Juice and puts it in the pot for flavor. Then he chops up the seemingly-poisonous Colored Mushrooms and throws them in the pot.)\n\nThere is an ingredient called Dried Fish that is very flavorful. I think I can use it as a substitute, right? \n\n([122342|Patch] digs into the fish fossil like he is making fish jerky. He puts the fossil chips in the pot and, after a short time, a pungent smell emerges!)\n\nI told you that no dish is too difficult for me! \n\n(You have no words for this. It really is amazing.)
Sys426207_szquest_descLook for the ingredients and give them to [122342|Patch] so that he can make a delicious dish.
Sys426207_szquest_uncomplete_detailDon't worry. I'm working hard to prepare the rations the Alliance needs. However, aren't they tired of eating that dry grain? This time I'll give everyone a belly full of delights!