result count: 9

SC_426209_0Get back the reports.
SC_426209_1I've excavated information about the Processing Device from all these ancient sites as instructed by the Ailic's Scholars. Hard to imagine that this ancient civilization had already been able to develop such high qualities.\n\n(The alliance warrior starts explaining his discoveries.)
SC_426209_2Having examined all relevant indicators as briefed by the Ailic's Scholars I can tell that this region's climate had once been burning hot. That's why they had to keep channeling the water underneath the earth so it would keep streaming. This way they could also naturally reach the effect of lower temperatures.\n\n(The alliance warrior starts explaining his discoveries.)
SC_426209_3We don't know what kind of substance this highly developed civilization from thousands of years ago used to retrieve energy. But just as I was told by the Ailic's Scholars, I've found traces of ancient rune stones.\n\n(The alliance warrior starts explaining his discoveries.)
Sys426209_nameWater Source Apparatus
Sys426209_szquest_accept_detail[$playername], Master [122341|Kargath Duran] sent someone to notify me that you were coming. I'm very happy to see you. \n\nThe Transport Circle has been established. Soldiers and supplies are being transported successfully, but I found a small problem. \n\nI don't know if you noticed, the Boiling Lake's temperature is gradually getting higher. It seems that it has already exceeded its normal index. The gray steam has permeated the air and is obstructing people's vision. It makes things really difficult. I'm worried that, with the speed the spring temperatures are rising, deaths will occur before the Alliance army moves. \n\nThe [SC_BALANZASAR|Balanzasar] texts collected by the research group mentions a water processing device that was invented a thousand years ago. We have already asked the Alliance warriors to seek out information about the processing device. I believe that they have made some discoveries. Please go and bring back any new information you can find.
Sys426209_szquest_complete_detail(Tell [122343|Chacha] about the discoveries made by the Alliance warriors.)\n\nYes, this is similar to what I expected. This confirms that it is possible to use this water processing device. It looks like we should move on to the next step.
Sys426209_szquest_descTake the information about the discoveries made by the Alliance warriors to the Ailic's Scholar, [122343|Chacha].
Sys426209_szquest_uncomplete_detailI have already completed a research report about the devices used by ancient cultures. Now I'm just missing proof.