result count: 5

Sys426217_nameOverlook Survey
Sys426217_szquest_accept_detailObtaining this spell allows you to avoid most monsters' defenses. However, it is best to avoid larger creatures, as their strength may be sufficient to penetrate it.\n\nIf you find any unusual items, just bring them to me for identification.\n\nOh, right, and if the spells you are carrying disappear, I can help you recast them!
Sys426217_szquest_complete_detailThere...Up there...That must be the power of the black dragon that you spoke of...\n\nHow can this be?
Sys426217_szquest_descGive the [242667|Suspicious Apparatus] to [122378|Nynke].
Sys426217_szquest_uncomplete_detailIf the spells you are carrying disappear, I can help you recast them!