result count: 6

SC_Z26Q426221_AN_1([122381|Bleen Godden] gives you the thanksgiving gift again.)
Sys426221_nameA Life Debt
Sys426221_szquest_accept_detail([122381|Bleen Godden] gradually opens his eyes)\n\nMy thanks... Was it you that saved me?\n\n(You explain the chain of events to [122381|Bleen Godden].)\n\nOther than commander, there was a good-hearted medical officer. I have nothing of value save my necklace. Commander, I beg you to give this to the medical officer. Without him, I would no longer be here.
Sys426221_szquest_complete_detailI became a medical officer because of a childhood friend. He swore he would become a soldier, to protect the realm. I thought if I became a medical officer, we could support each other. But I have had no news of him in a long time.\n\n(You present the patient's gift to the medical officer)\n\nNo. I cannot accept gifts from my patients for doing my duty. But there is one thing I regret...
Sys426221_szquest_descYou present [122381|Bleen Godden's] gift to [122382|Colin Hertz].
Sys426221_szquest_uncomplete_detailIn fact, I became a medical officer because of a childhood friend. He swore he would become a soldier, to protect the realm. I thought if I became a medical officer, we could support each other. But I have had no news of him in a long time.