result count: 5

Sys426276_nameThe Library of Ancient Texts
Sys426276_szquest_accept_detailThe enemy's high commander is hidden in [ZONE_BELLATIA_FORTS|Belathis Fortress]. Battle has already broken out there. [ZONE_BELLATIA_FORTS|Belathis Fortress] is sure to have incurred severe damage... I've heard that inside the fortress there is a room called the [ZONE_BELLATIA_FORTS_03|Belathis Secret Chamber] which is stocked with all kinds of tomes. Why don't you see if you can purloin some old, valuable texts for us? I'm begging you, to gain a better understanding of the Beautiful Belathis I must have those [<S>242663|Intact Old Books] returned in perfect shape!
Sys426276_szquest_complete_detail(Seemingly in deep rapture, [122320|Mallory Shester] carefully rubbed the cover designs from each book)
Sys426276_szquest_descDon't let the annals of history disappear into the forgotten past, help [122320|Mallory Shester] recover 5 [<S>242663|Intact Old Books] from the [ZONE_BELLATIA_FORTS_03|Belathis Secret Chamber].
Sys426276_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhat will the beautiful Belathis reveal to me through these old books? What a thrill it is to remove the veil from this mysterious beauty!