result count: 5

Sys426292_nameAn Unseen Threat
Sys426292_szquest_accept_detail[122586|Salandis] is proxy commander for <CY>[ZONE_PTRACI_WALL|Wall of Patrace]</CY>. Recently she's had her hands full with the enemy forces gathered at <CY>[ZONE_BLANZAAR_VOLCANO|Balanzasar Volcano]</CY>.\n\nWith the <CY>Dark Dragon</CY> situation unresolved, I couldn't afford to spend too much time going over the details with her. I'm sure she would very much appreciate a visit from you.\n\nAs for me and <CY>Kargath</CY>, we'll head for <CY>[ZONE_FIERCE_FANG_FRONT_LINES|Fierce Fang Front Line]</CY> to get a read on the progress of battle. Of course, we'll also be looking out for any clues about the whereabouts of the <CY>Dark Dragon</CY>.\n\nI must remind you: the <CY>Dark Dragon</CY> might not have passed through here yet, but that doesn't mean this area is free from his wrath.
Sys426292_szquest_complete_detailYes...It seems <CY>Will's representative</CY> has debriefed you on our situation here. The enemy really is laid in thick.\n\nBefore, the only intelligence we had on the enemy was that <CY>Zurhidon</CY> of <CY>[ZONE_PTRACI_WOODLAND|Patrace Woodland]</CY> would fire off attacks at random. Apart from that, we knew next to nothing. \n\nLater, the <CY>Shadowforge Dwarf</CY> finally delivered some more substantial intelligence, but, just on the heels of that good news the unexpected occurred.
Sys426292_szquest_descMeet with the proxy commander of <CY>[ZONE_PTRACI_WALL|Wall of Patrace]</CY>, [122586|Salandis], and provide your services.
Sys426292_szquest_uncomplete_detailSpecial Envoy! You arrive unaccompanied? Where is <CY>Will's representative</CY> and the other VIP?