result count: 5

Sys426295_nameGiven a Surveyor
Sys426295_szquest_accept_detailIt seems that the dense armaments positioned round the [ZONE_FLAME_TEMPLE|Flame Temple] are not just there to prevent incoming attacks. More likely they're there to protect something valuable hidden inside the temple. \n\nI found a piece of equipment that can connect with the inner sanctum of the temple. [122587|Wogg Blackchain] believes this machine can produce runes. The materials used to operate the equipment might be found within the temple. \n\nI haven't had any time to get near that piece of equipment, but maybe [122587|Wogg Blackchain] could help us with his newly refurbished machine. \n\nYou guys are friends, aren't you?\n\nRight, then I'll head to that area and to lie in wait. Once you've gotten new intelligence we can make the next move.
Sys426295_szquest_complete_detailYou're telling me that's the [122536|Elemental Furnace]?!\n\nWait a second! If that thing can really pump out pure elemental fire power...there...there's only one way!
Sys426295_szquest_descRide [122537|Wogg No. 5] to the suspicious piece of equipment near the [ZONE_FLAME_TEMPLE|Flame Temple] and conduct your investigation.
Sys426295_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhat did you find?\n\nCould it be...Things were not as [122587|Wogg Blackchain] predicted?