result count: 9

SC_426313_0What will Morrok become?
SC_426313_1([122655|Bankelemos] shakes his head.)\n\nThis is only my most optimistic guess...but I'm thinking maybe he can be chosen to be the next Envoy of Balance...
SC_426313_2How can I explain this...
SC_426313_3Being a holy envoy, I can't follow my own will, only destiny. When I was chosen, I received the baptism for a holy envoy, the knowledge that an envoy should have and also knew about my destiny.\n\nI also have no idea if the responsibly of the holy envoy will go to a creature or a human when my life ends. But I have a feeling that the kindness of Morrok will make him be the chosen one.\n\nOk, I have to go for the preparation. Time doesn't wait. Dragon envoy, so you are the person to whom I can entrust the matter concerning Morrok.
Sys426313_namePreparing the Seal
Sys426313_szquest_accept_detailMy power's are limited now. As for her...All I can do is try my best to contain her, but I don't know how long I can hold out. You might meet her before getting to the Envoy of Balance.\n\nThe good news, long ago we erected a watchout platform in the vicinity. That will be a good place to hold our ceremonies. I'm hoping that after Morrok awakes, he'll be able to join me there. I hope you'll come as well. If something were to happen there, I'd want you guys to take no prisoners. \n\nMorrok might be the indecisive type, but I see commending attributes in his character. If something were to happen....He might just be the next in line.
Sys426313_szquest_complete_detailI took heed of the Envoy's words, but, we can't inform Morrok until he awakes. I was pretty worried about all this before, but now having gone through that danger, I'm even more so.
Sys426313_szquest_descSpeak with [122655|Bankelemos].
Sys426313_szquest_uncomplete_detailWasn't there something else the Envoy of Balance wanted to discuss with you? Get over there quick!