result count: 5

Sys426449_nameSweet Prize
Sys426449_szquest_accept_detailAhoy! Are you the Ailic's Pirates' new first mate? \n\nWonderful, Niwin, it may be that you can be saved after all! \n\n([122883|Angelika] delightedly claps the sobbing sailor next to her on the shoulders.)\n\nHonorable Mate, [122882|Niwin] was a bit too greedy and ate too much [107892|Ire Bee]. And so a whole swarm of [<S>107892|Ire Bees] attacked him. The bee's left stinger has a slow-working poison. If we want to save [122882|Niwin], we need to collect the antidote from the right stinger of the [<S>107892|Ire Bees]. [122882|Niwin]'s condition is really worrying. Do you think you can bring back some [242978|Ire Bee Antidote] in a hurry?
Sys426449_szquest_complete_detailHonorable Mate, you're a real hero to the Shotak Pirates. Argh, what am I're more than that. A messiah! \n\nAs a token of thanks I'd like to give you a clue: if you press on further into the [ZONE_FLOYN_JUNGLE|Feyna Forest], you should be especially careful around the forest-dwellers. They live in their own world, one that has nothing in common with that of the pirates. Arguing about benefits or profit are useless with them. Everything in their existence revolves around mysteries. And it's according to those mysteries that they make their decisions.
Sys426449_szquest_descPlease bring me 10 units of [242978|Ire Bee Antidote] so that I can treat Niwin's poisoning.
Sys426449_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhat are you crying about? If you don't survive this poisoning it'll be your own fault!\n\n([122883|Angelika] tends to [122882|Niwin's] swellings but continually reminds him of the ill effects of being too greedy.)