result count: 9

SC_Z27Q426478_01You caught [242986|Joe the Lizard Yang].
SC_Z27Q426478_02The sound lured [122892|Joe the Lizard Yang]. Use the opportunity and grab him!
SC_Z27Q426478_03[122892|Joe the Lizard Yang] is cursed.
SC_Z27Q426478_04Do you still have a [242951|Glockenspiel]?
Sys426478_nameJoe the Lizard Yang
Sys426478_szquest_accept_detailI almost lost it there. Where'd that dumb beast run off to? Oh, worthy friend, will you help me recapture my lord's beloved pet? His name is Joe the Lizard Yang. There's no way I can return without my lord's favorite pet. Luckily, I have the lizard's favorite toy. If you ring this bell, Joe will probably forget to run away for a few seconds. Then you can catch him.
Sys426478_szquest_complete_detailWonderful! You're a good lizard, aren't you, Joe? Don't run away again, you hear? Otherwise one of your playmates will be a head shorter, you hear me? I wonder if my lord would notice if I caught a different lizard and brought it back in case Joe vanishes for good one day.
Sys426478_szquest_descUse the [242951|Glockenspiel] to distract [122892|Joe the Lizard Yang] and catch him.
Sys426478_szquest_uncomplete_detailHe's allowed to eat more, sleep more, play more than us...he even owns more stuff than we do. I wonder how he does it!