result count: 8

SC_426520_1Water the field!
SC_426520_2I already watered it.
SC_426520_3Spread the water in the bucket evenly on the field.
Sys426520_nameHere's To Friendship II: Help in the Garden
Sys426520_szquest_accept_detailAm I mistaken, or are we missing more scouts? Our job isn't as easy as I'd hoped. The uncivilized manners of our native friends is starting to bother even me.\n\nBut it's a truly fulfilling task, establishing contact with the such a unique people, isn't it? That's why I'm here. Would you like to accompany me? We'll sing and irrigate the fields. I just hope that there are no misunderstandings. Wouldn't want anyone to mistake us for thieves!\n\nWe've already stored a number of water buckets <CY>at the standpost</CY>. We have to use the buckets to irrigate the Hulu camps' <CY>Horned Melon Fields</CY>. We'll each water 5 fields. Let's get started!
Sys426520_szquest_complete_detailHow was it? Were you able to make contact? We'll just have to try again. Better luck next time...
Sys426520_szquest_descImprove relations with the Hulu by going to the [122827|Watering Hole] and getting [<S>242925|Full Water Buckets] to water the Hulu's [<S>122828|Horned Melon Fields].
Sys426520_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou'll have to be especially careful near the Hulu camp. The hospitality of the natives can be...overwhelming.