result count: 8

SC_426526_0You deliver the Hulu Symbol of Friendship.
SC_426526_1Thank you! But where is the emblem you mentioned?
SC_426526_2Let me look at this emblem that was so difficult to get.
Sys426526_nameSymbol of Friendship
Sys426526_szquest_accept_detail[$playername], following the signing of our treaty of friendship with the Hulu, I would like to spend some more time with the people to get a better feel for their way of life. I believe it will be crucial for our future communications. \n\nPlease <CY>inform the captain</CY> about the results of our negotiations here. And give him this totem, which symbolizes our friendship with the Hulu.
Sys426526_szquest_complete_detailThank you! This document shall hopefully put an end to the conflict between our peoples. Of course, we can't be certain that every individual Hulu will follow the chief's instructions. \n\nStill, this is a good beginning. Now we can at least ensure <CY>safe passage for the aid delivery</CY>!
Sys426526_szquest_descDeliver the message about the results of the negotiations and the symbol of friendship from the Hulu to Captain [122822|Roger Kais] in the [ZONE_NANTI_VILLAGE|Nanti Village].
Sys426526_szquest_uncomplete_detailEverything went well, but the aid delivery has not yet arrived.