result count: 6

SC_Z28Q426618_01Bring another bottle of [243039|Mature Wine].
Sys426618_szquest_accept_detailThis wine has been aged over many decades in the cellars of the Creaking Wreck. If you know anything about wine, you should know that it takes many years for a wine's flavors to fully develop. Admittedly, this isn't exactly the finest vintage in my collection, but it is certainly one of the more flavorsome wines from the cellar.\n\nTake it with you to [123072|Gravekeeper Justin]! You'll find him with his gravestones and dead spirits in the [ZONE_GIANT_MASTS_CEMETERY|Elephant Mast Graveyard].
Sys426618_szquest_complete_detailIt's been a long time since someone brought me wine. And such a good one at that. Tell me how I can be of assistance!
Sys426618_szquest_descBring the [243039|Mature Wine] to [123072|Gravekeeper Justin].
Sys426618_szquest_uncomplete_detail...\n\n([123072|Gravekeeper Justin] looks at you warily.)