result count: 18

SC_426707_01Tell me why...[123186|Katalozzi]...
SC_426707_02I trust you like a member of my family. And now, when I am so close to making my dream a reality, you of all people want to betray me?
SC_426707_03Is that the person you found the [243011|New Moon Tooth] with?
SC_426707_04I wouldn't let her get too close to you, if I were you. There'll come a day when she betrays you. She can't do's a part of who she is...
SC_426707_05That has nothing to do with it! Answer my question!
SC_426707_06Of course I'll tell you, but you'll have to listen closely and trust me...
SC_426707_07I want you to stop the search for [SC_KIDSTREATURE|Kidd's Hidden Treasure]. The power to make every wish become reality? Such power can only lead to evil!
SC_426707_08Even if it's true and every wish could become reality, you're bound to have to pay a high price for it.
SC_426707_09I've already tried it! As soon as you carry these components, it has dreadful consequences on you!
SC_426707_10That's not right. You want to awaken such a thing to get an insight into the past...
SC_426707_11Silence! I said be quiet! What are you talking about, effects? It's simply not possible...
SC_426707_12[123187|Paga], listen to me. Give up this quest for the secret treasure.
SC_426707_13Nobody can stop me, not even you!
SC_426707_14We'll see what the future brings. This is where we go our separate ways.
Sys426707_nameOn the Heels of the Red Corsair
Sys426707_szquest_accept_detailIsn't [123182|Paga] with you? I thought she'd followed you.\n\nShe set off in a rage. I think she wanted to see [123186|Katalozzi].\n\nWe ought to set out after her, before anything bad happens.
Sys426707_szquest_complete_detailThese components can bring misfortune? How come? Is that true? But they're there to fulfill wishes. I'm sure of that...
Sys426707_szquest_descGo to [123186|Katalozzi's] tent and follow [123182|Paga].