result count: 6

SC_Z29Q426790_1You need to deliver some letters, [123393|Luke].
Sys426790_nameThe Invitation
Sys426790_szquest_accept_detailWhere is [123393|Luke]? He's supposed to deliver these letters. I can't deal with this any more. There are simply too many pirates who can't keep an arrangement.
Sys426790_szquest_complete_detailOh! Excellent, a few more letters to copy!
Sys426790_szquest_descFind [123393|Luke], who's supposed to be delivering the invitation letters from [SC_PIRATE_KIDSOFKIDD|Kidd's Sons].
Sys426790_szquest_uncomplete_detail[123393|Luke] sometimes copies letters as well. But his handwriting is appalling, and he often has to rewrite them again afterwards.