result count: 5

Sys426849_nameHunt for the Light Source
Sys426849_szquest_accept_detailI sit here every day and look at the light glowing so placidly in the water. What interests me is how the energy of the Jade Stone influences the creatures in this area. Sure, the stone glows, but at night it still isn't enough to see what's happening properly. There are some [<S>108267|Jade Mice] here whose bodies contain a very special crystal ore. The ore produces light continuously. If I had a few [<S>108267|Jade Mice] with me at night, glowing in the dark, I might be able to see something, even with my poor eyesight. It'd certainly help me make more progress with my research.\n\nFirst Mate, please, take these [<S>242940|See-Through Mouse Cages]. I invented them some time ago to investigate the [<S>108267|Jade Mice]. Could you use the [<S>242940|cages] to capture a few [<S>108267|Jade Mice] for me?
Sys426849_szquest_complete_detailThese [<S>108267|Jade Mice] make everything brighter!
Sys426849_szquest_descUse the [<S>242940|See-Through Mouse Cages] and capture a few [<S>108267|Jade Mice]. Take them to [123220|Jiad Beetlewing].
Sys426849_szquest_uncomplete_detailThe [242940|See-Through Mouse Cage] is my invention! It emits light at short intervals, similar to the light produced by a [108267|Jade Mouse]. The [<S>108267|mice] think there's another mouse nearby and wander into the cage. It's not dangerous to them in the slightest!