result count: 13

SC_Z30Q426899_1(Explain to [123329|Kidd] about [123245|Paga's] plight and ask him how she can be saved.)
SC_Z30Q426899_2(A hint of a smile creeps across [123329|Kidd's] face after listening to what you have to say.)\n\nExcuse me. That just reminded me of something.\n\nBut I must apologize. There's no such thing as Kidd's wish, that was just a trick. Yet it is possible with the use of the power of "taming".\n\nAllow me to loosen the seal just a little, and allow energy out of the device. The gap will be so small that it will reseal itself afterwards. That strange jester won't even notice the difference. But you'll have to make haste, you understand? Tell me when you're ready to move.
SC_Z30Q426899_3We're ready.
SC_Z30Q426899_4[123329|Kidd] bids you farewell and disappears with a transport spell.
SC_Z30Q426899_5I've only we'd met sooner, I'd have invited you on board my ship, the [SC_PIRATE_KIDSSHIP|Purgatory].
SC_Z30Q426899_6But now isn't the right time. And anyway, it wouldn't have interested you.
SC_Z30Q426899_7Now that you have what you want, you should leave this place.
SC_Z30Q426899_8A strange energy can be felt around the coffin.
Sys426899_nameThe Treasure at Long Last
Sys426899_szquest_accept_detailAsking for what [123329|Kidd] just spoke of would fulfill our wish wouldn't it? I mean, if we asked him now about his treasure, then all the effort that Ailic's Pirates have gone to would finally be rewarded, wouldn't it? But... [$playername], maybe you consider me completely self-centered in this, but I would like to help the young woman who once betrayed us and has since lost consciousness.
Sys426899_szquest_complete_detailThank you, kind friend. Yes, you truly are a very good friend indeed.
Sys426899_szquest_descAsk [123329|Kidd] how to heal [123245|Paga].
Sys426899_szquest_uncomplete_detailIf not even [123329|Kidd] is supposed to know, how...