result count: 5

Sys426907_nameUnfinished Business
Sys426907_szquest_accept_detailI won't return with you. The [243142|Sands of Time Rune], the poison-tackling [243141|Green Bud Crystal] and the [243143|Ship Records Rune] which played such an important role on the [SC_PIRATE_KIDSSHIP|Purgatory]... these are the things I still want to find.\n\nThank you for finding me. But it's far too dangerous for you here, you had better leave, and quickly. And take the other two with you while you're at it!\n\n(Once [123402|Kilian] is finished, he shakes his head.)\n\nNo, they don't understand what's good for them. I should probably knock them out and drag them into the forest somewhere so they can't find their way back.
Sys426907_szquest_complete_detailYou found everything? A normal pirate would never have managed. Just who are you exactly?
Sys426907_szquest_descHelp [123402|Kilian] and retrieve the [243142|Sands of Time Rune] from [108408|Khalakli], the [243141|Green Bud Crystal] from [108482|Mosfetto] and the [243143|Ship Records Rune] from [108485|Thallsus].
Sys426907_szquest_uncomplete_detailIt's no tragedy if you can't get these things. A normal human wouldn't want them. But I'd just ask you to accompany the other two out.