result count: 6

SC_Z29Q426908_1Quick, let's catch up with him.
Sys426908_nameA Friend in Need
Sys426908_szquest_accept_detailThe two of them are temporarily out of action. We don't need to do anything, the medicine's effects will gradually wear off and they'll regain consciousness. But it's not a good idea to lie around in this jungle. Could I ask you to wake them both up once I've gone?\n\nIt's always a danger when they follow me around. It's a miracle that they've both survived this far.
Sys426908_szquest_complete_detailThanks for helping our curious little friend. He seems not to have understood that friendship isn't some kind of contract. We followed him out of our own free will. If no one went with him, no one would ever know when the old coot finally pops his clogs.\n\nIf I ever find him again, he'll get a good taste of my fist! I'll teach him the real meaning of friendship.
Sys426908_szquest_descHelp the [123404|Unconscious Nani Ur] and [123405|Unconscious Tubby Pucky] to come round.
Sys426908_szquest_uncomplete_detailI don't understand it. Does he really not have any faith in us?