result count: 5

Sys426915_nameWater and Stone
Sys426915_szquest_accept_detailThe creatures' blood has taken on the properties of the [<S>209002|Jade Stones]. But the animals can't eat [<S>209002|Jade Stones], so the most likely explanation is that it's something caused by the water.\n\nThe water flows from the Emerald River into a lower plain. [122563|Vivo Attanzi] is investigating the quality of water at the source. First Mate, could you go to [122563|Vivo Attanzi] for me and report to him what I've just discovered?
Sys426915_szquest_complete_detailHmm... so [123220|Jiad Beetlewing] assumes that the properties of the ores are manifesting themselves in the creatures' bodies.\n\nThe water quality here has been affected by [108287|Smaub] and is very different from that elsewhere, being subjected to great oscillations. When [108287|Smaub] is angry, the water quality worsens, and when [108287|Smaub] is peaceful, the water is calm and clear. These creatures get their drinking water from the source at the front. It's possible that the [<S>209002|Jade Stones] have something to do with all this. I'll test to see if the water here contains traces of [209002|Jade Stone].
Sys426915_szquest_descTake the [208974|Report on Ores and Water] [123220|Jiad Beetlewing] wrote to [122563|Vivo Attanzi].
Sys426915_szquest_uncomplete_detailWater, life's eternal spring. Water governs our lives. If the water quality changes too drastically, it can cause changes to the creatures which drink it.