result count: 6

SC_Z29Q426917_01I've lost the [208973|Forest Iguana Research Sample].
Sys426917_nameResearch Methods
Sys426917_szquest_accept_detail[122563|Vivo Attanzi] needs [<S>208973|Forest Iguana Research Samples]? Where am I supposed to get something like that?\n\nI may be interested in the [<S>108235|Forest Iguanas] and their environment, but I only use quantitative research methods, and never take any samples.\n\nDo you know what quantitative research methods are? That's when the researcher only uses observation or things like questionnaires and interviews. That way you get information about the individual members of a group, and you can study the influence of external or internal variables on a group.\n\nNow, if you need [<S>208973|Research Samples], you'll have to skin a few [<S>108235|Forest Iguanas] yourself. But rest assured these [<S>108235|Forest Iguanas] won't be best pleased about it. They're of a similar character to Smaub. When they're in a positive mood, you can even stroke them without issue. But when they're in a sour mood, their skins take on the color of their environments to protect them. They'll attack you before you even see them!
Sys426917_szquest_complete_detailNot bad, you've managed it!\n\n([122647|Jane Miner] takes the [208972|Rough Lizard Skin] and inspects it meticulously. Then she wraps the [208972|Lizard Skin] up carefully in a little bundle and ties it up.)\n\nWe can keep the [208973|Forest Iguana Research Sample] like this. This [208973|sample] should be enough for [122563|Vivo Attanzi] to investigate the [108235|Forest Iguana]. Quick, take it to him!
Sys426917_szquest_descGet some [<S>208972|Rough Lizard Skins] from the [108235|Forest Iguana].
Sys426917_szquest_uncomplete_detailLooks like these [<S>108235|Forest Iguanas] are causing you major problems. Want to get your revenge?\n\nBut there are no research samples here for [122563|Vivo Attanzi]!