result count: 12

SC_Z29Q426918_01The [108240|Salioca Honey Badger] is out of range.
SC_Z29Q426918_02The [122570|Small Salioca Honey Badger] is attracted by the smell of the [<S>122646|Breadcrumbs].
SC_Z29Q426918_03You've almost left the area. Go back to the [122570|Small Salioca Honey Badger].
SC_Z29Q426918_04You have left the area.
SC_Z29Q426918_05The [122570|Small Salioca Honey Badger] has rejoined his buddies.
SC_Z29Q426918_06Accept the quest from [122563|Vivo Attanzi] again.
SC_Z29Q426918_07I want to take the [122570|Small Salioca Honey Badger] back to his buddies.
Sys426918_nameThe Badger's Shepherd
Sys426918_szquest_accept_detailFirst Mate, look at this cute little [122570|Honey Badger]!\n\nI found this injured [122570|Honey Badger] earlier today. He might have made a sweet pet, but it would be better if he were brought back to his own kind. Anyway, a pirate is always on the move. As soon as we've finished one research project, we're off to the next. If I take him out of his natural environment, he probably wouldn't feel secure. It'd be better if we take him back to his kind as soon as possible!\n\nRecently there's been a [122564|Restless Honey Badger] roaming around here. It must belong to the same species as the [122570|Small Salioca Honey Badger]. It's always very aggressive towards me. But if we could find a few [<S>122646|Breadcrumbs], we might be able to attract it. [<S>122570|Small Salioca Honey Badgers] absolutely love [<S>122646|Breadcrumbs]. If you've nothing better to do just now, do you think you could help me out by <CY>feeding these Breadcrumbs to the Small Salioca Honey Badger and drawing him towards the Restless Honey Badger</CY>?
Sys426918_szquest_complete_detailHas the [122570|Small Salioca Honey Badger] returned to the other [<S>108240|Salioca Honey Badgers]?\n\nThat can only mean that the [<S>108240|Salioca Honey Badgers] have accepted the [122570|Small Salioca Honey Badger]. In which case we needn't worry that his little pals will reject the [122570|Small Salioca Honey Badger] later. He'll get on just fine.
Sys426918_szquest_descBring the [122570|Small Salioca Honey Badger] near to the [122564|Restless Honey Badger].\n\nBring the [122570|Small Salioca Honey Badger] to the [122564|Restless Honey Badger] <CS>within 30 seconds</CY>. Use [499215|Feed Honey Badgers] within a radius of 50 from the [122570|Small Salioca Honey Badger] by using [<S>122646|Breadcrumbs]. When you have attracted the [122570|Small Salioca Honey Badger] to the target, make sure that it doesn't get distracted by any other [<S>122646|Breadcrumbs].
Sys426918_szquest_uncomplete_detailI hope the [122570|Small Salioca Honey Badger] will get on with his fellow pals and be able to lead a normal life.