result count: 9

SC_426928_01I want to stay.
SC_426928_02I know what you want to say. I'll try to find a way of getting away from here.
SC_426928_03I don't quite understand what you're saying.
SC_426928_04Whatever the case may be. It's the thought that counts.\n\nFarewell. We might not have spent much time together, but I was grateful for every minute.
Sys426928_nameThe Last Conversation
Sys426928_szquest_accept_detailI know you're a hero. I used to be a hero, once. But then I lost the game. We are powerless against the mighty, but listen to the voice of experience, and always concentrate on your goals.\n\nI don't have any great hopes for this place any more. When the time is right, I'm going to leave the island. And you? What are your plans?
Sys426928_szquest_complete_detail[SC_426928_04|Whatever the case may be. It's the thought that counts.\n\nFarewell. We might not have spent much time together, but I was grateful for every minute.]
Sys426928_szquest_descTalk to [123443|Mark Woter].
Sys426928_szquest_uncomplete_detailI have just a few more questions I'd like to ask you.