result count: 5

Sys426959_nameThe Wheel of Time
Sys426959_szquest_accept_detailThis person helped the cat spirit to steal the Wheel of Time. He paid for it with his life. Why does anyone want to destroy this thing? What does it represent?\n\nWe can't afford to give up. Take the [243159|Broken Wheel of Time] to the shaman and ask if there's anything we can still do.
Sys426959_szquest_complete_detailWhy? That's just a legend, I can't explain it. I can only say that it might be a curse of the feline spirit...\n\nAccording to the legend, when the power of the Wheel of Time wanes, the world will lose its color and everything will become mundane. Daily chores will become boring and repeat themselves, fun games will lose their allure, and people who have traveled will never return.\n\nMaybe it is simply fate. Whatever the future brings, we should use the time left to us and concentrate on the task at hand.\n\nAnd you, you should get out of here as quick as you can.
Sys426959_szquest_descTake the [243159|Broken Wheel of Time] to the shaman.
Sys426959_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou needn't feel guilty. You did your best.