result count: 5

Sys426966_nameGet Some More
Sys426966_szquest_accept_detailI think [122563|Vivo Attanzi] still needs a whole load of animal samples for her research.\n\nWe ought to find her some more research samples. First Mate, get a few more [<S>208972|Rough Lizard Skins], and I'll look after them. When we've collected enough, we can take them to [122563|Vivo Attanzi].
Sys426966_szquest_complete_detailWow, you've gathered so much [208972|Rough Lizard Skin]. The next time you see a [108235|Forest Iguana], you'll probably have to turn and run!\n\n([122647|Jane Miner] takes the [<S>208972|Rough Lizard Skins] and examines them meticulously. Then he places the [<S>208972|skins] in a bag and ties it up carefully.)
Sys426966_szquest_descGet some [<S>208972|Rough Lizard Skins] from the [<S>108235|Forest Iguanas].
Sys426966_szquest_uncomplete_detailIt's so tiring gathering evidence for science. First, you need some examples, then you need to find a way of proving your theory. If that doesn't work, then you have to formulate a new hypothesis on the basis of your previous results. To be honest, it's such a tedious method, I'm not going to bother using it.