result count: 5

Sys427013_nameA Body to be Treasured
Sys427013_szquest_accept_detailThe snakes here are like a treasure in their own right. All the different bits of their body, from the gall bladder to the skin, even its poison, everything can be used somehow.\n\nBut the snakes here are something very special. Maybe it's the water they drink which gives them such magical abilities. Do you think you could bring me some of these snakes? There'll be ample reward for your help.
Sys427013_szquest_complete_detailOh, you've brought rather a lot!\n\nTake this, and this. That's all I have. But no regrets.
Sys427013_szquest_descCollect 8 [<S>108239|Purgatory Snakes]. It's best to wait until they are weak, otherwise they won't give up very easily.
Sys427013_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhichever way you look at snakes, they don't look cuddly in the slightest.