result count: 5

Sys427037_nameSucculent Delicacies
Sys427037_szquest_accept_detailThe bears around here smell absolutely gorgeous... I mean, err... well, they give off an amazing aroma.\n\nUp until now I've been trying to work out what it is that makes the [<S>108682|Aromatic Swamp Bears] smell so good, but without success. When they've eaten something, some special chemical reactions take place in their stomachs, which results in them giving off this wonderful aroma. I bet they taste absolutely delicious when they're grilled.\n\nIf you could get me some of their meat, then as ever I'll gladly give you the energy I extract from them.
Sys427037_szquest_complete_detailThanks for your help. I always wanted to know how juicy and succulent it tastes.\n\nHere's the energy I extracted for you. It ought to be more than sufficient.
Sys427037_szquest_descFulfill [123341|Boleith's] wish to enjoy a delicacy. Get him some [243182|Swamp Bear Meat].
Sys427037_szquest_uncomplete_detailI can hardly wait to taste these fine flavors...