result count: 5

Sys427065_nameThe Fish Course
Sys427065_szquest_accept_detailThe road to culinary mastery is long and arduous. If you could get me some [243181|Fresh Fish Meat] from an [108528|Aggressive Swordtoothfish], I'd be able to extract 2 [<S>201572|Shatterstars of Earth] and 1 [201575|Shatterstar of Voidal Energy] for you.
Sys427065_szquest_complete_detailThanks for your efforts. Once I've finished this part of my research, I'll invite you to dinner.
Sys427065_szquest_descGet 10 lots of [243181|Fresh Fish Meat] for [123341|Boleith].
Sys427065_szquest_uncomplete_detailMy, how I'm looking forward to this delicacy...