result count: 4

Sys427136_szquest_accept_detailGood day, adventurer. The [SC_AC1NPC_1|Haidon Artisan Society] is looking for people willing to help. If you want to offer your assistance, go to [CRYSTAL_NAME_01|Varanas City] and talk to [123632|Andalus Lee] outside the [ZONE_VARANAS_CLASS_HALL|Class Hall]. He will give you the details.\n\nSafe journey!
Sys427136_szquest_complete_detailIsn't it funny how news gets around?\n\n(He laughs.)\n\nAnd as soon as some new information finds its way around, there's a commotion. Well then...
Sys427136_szquest_descGo to [CRYSTAL_NAME_01|Varanas City] and meet [123632|Andalus Lee] outside the [ZONE_VARANAS_CLASS_HALL|Class Hall]. He will explain the situation to you.