result count: 6

SC_Z32Q427189_1There's been a real boom in the smuggling of Silver Cinnamon recently. I'm relying on your cooperation.
Sys427189_nameA Challenging Collaboration
Sys427189_szquest_accept_detailWe've found out that some of the farmers are in cahoots with the pirates who smuggle silver cinnamon, and they're trying to drive the price up. Some of them even stole the stuff beforehand. We need to coordinate our efforts against the pirates with the Cape of Veiled Mists... but you know what Captain [123681|Philander Simon] is like. He took a dislike to us from the very beginning, and is always trying to find ways to hamper our activities. There's so much bad blood between us that there's no one who could talk to him and keep an even keel.\n\nYou're pretty new to the [SC_Z32FALCON|Falcon Regiment], though. You shouldn't have any enmity against him yet. Maybe you could explain to him how crucial our cooperation in this matter is and make sure he gets involved?
Sys427189_szquest_complete_detailI'm not interested in your petty problems. I'm in charge here!\n\nAnyway, I've developed a plan that we're going to stick to. I'm not about to let some random upstart soldier come here and ruin it.
Sys427189_szquest_descExplain to Captain [123681|Philander Simon] from the [ZONE_SPLITWATER_FRONT|Cape of Veiled Mists] why the smuggling of silver cinnamon is such an important issue.
Sys427189_szquest_uncomplete_detailHopefully [123681|Philander Simon] will recognize the urgency of the situation and do something about the smugglers.