result count: 12

SC_Q427262_1If you are of pure heart, you have nothing to fear from the dead spirits. Tell us your request!
SC_Q427262_2The troll king has returned. The three talismans must be brought together.
SC_Q427262_3And I thought the troll king was defeated long ago. Guess I was wrong.\n\nBut you should realize it will be impossible to combine the three talismans.\n\nFanasa's Heart was smashed into smithereens, and Fanasa's Column was lost without trace when the lord took it and left his family.
SC_Q427262_4Welor Akson has already returned and is having the holy sword reforged.
SC_Q427262_5You appear to be sincere. Can you really be speaking the truth? But even if that's really the case, two talismans should be sufficient. Forget Fanasa's Power.\n\nThe spirit sealed within this place isn't any ordinary malevolent spirit. It is darkness itself, spurned by the gods, forced to lived out its existence as a soulless one. It is the very Primordial Terror of this world. No mere mortal can stand against it.
SC_Q427262_6The troll king has joined forces with another evil power. We have no choice!
SC_Q427262_7(You tell Zorgalin's Spirit of the Raven Guard's machinations and their extraordinary power.)\n\nThe way you're talking... if you can't get Fanasa's Power, then my people could very easily fall victim to the trolls' invasion plans. Yet if I leave Fanasa's Power to you, my people might be devoured by this soulless one.\n\nThis really is a choice between the devil and the deep blue sea... but if the soulless one is still weak, then it might be possible to fight against it. We'd just have to take the opportunity before it gathers its strength. If we can weaken it sufficiently for me to keep it under control afterwards, then you can take Fanasa's Power with you.
Sys427262_nameThe Spirit of the Dead Hero
Sys427262_szquest_accept_detailOut with your request. If you came in here unwittingly, may you be forgiven. But if you've come in here with specific purpose, let my reaction be based on your answer!
Sys427262_szquest_complete_detailWithout pulling up [204550|Fanasa's Power], we'll never know what our chances are. Let fate decide.
Sys427262_szquest_descExplain your case to [123902|Zorgalin's Spirit].
Sys427262_szquest_uncomplete_detail([123902|Zorgalin's Spirit] keeps his eyes firmly focused on you. It appears he's only waiting for the slightest excuse of a lie from you to give you a taste of his axe.)