result count: 10

SC_Q427263_1Mission successful!
SC_Q427263_2The player who started the mission has left the fight. The mission has been canceled!
SC_Q427263_3The [109068|Primordial Terror] has lost its target. The mission has been canceled.
SC_Q427263_4You've retrieved [124091|Fanasa's Power]! The Primordial Terror's power is gradually taking shape.
SC_Q427263_5The mission has started. [543810|Defeat the Primordial Terror.]
Sys427263_namePrimordial Terror
Sys427263_szquest_accept_detailAs soon as [204550|Fanasa's Power] is pulled up, the soulless one will be released, the [109068|Primordial Terror]. You must take advantage of his initial weakness to defeat him. Once his body is destroyed, he'll be weak enough for me to keep the [109068|Primordial Terror] under control for a while. Then you'll be able to take [204550|Fanasa's Power] and defeat the troll king with it. But afterwards you must return it to the seal.
Sys427263_szquest_complete_detailLeave the rest to me.
Sys427263_szquest_descDefeat the [109068|Primordial Terror] before his powers are restored.
Sys427263_szquest_uncomplete_detailThe [109068|Primordial Terror] must be weaker than in decades past. This is your chance to prove yourself in combat.