result count: 7

SC_Q427294_1Careful! The pile of books is protected by a defensive curse.
SC_Q427294_2You don't need any more information.
Sys427294_nameTheft of Intellectual Property
Sys427294_szquest_accept_detailThat miserable [123973|Aylon Tarkar]! I wouldn't care so much if he'd only stolen my research topic. But even his plans for the magic circles are exactly the same as mine! It's true... just compare his research report with mine and you'll see it straight away! Sadly I haven't yet found a way to cancel the spell that scumbag put on his research report... and it'll soon be time to publish the results...
Sys427294_szquest_complete_detail([123972|Luie Shioth] flicks through the report in his hands.)\n\nI knew it! The results in this report are identical to my own. Just look for yourself! Even the names of the new magic circles are one-to-one with my own suggestions. Now I've finally got something in hand with which to expose him!
Sys427294_szquest_descHelp [123972|Luie Shioth] by bringing him [123973|Aylon Tarkar's] research report so he can prove his work has been plagiarized.
Sys427294_szquest_uncomplete_detailStealing other people's research is utterly contemptible! Research results are a person's mental exertions distilled into written form. Stealing those is akin to stealing someone's brain! I wouldn't even be capable of such an underhand and villainous act!