result count: 11

Sys427403_nameDisturbed Jungle Inhabitants
Sys427403_szquest_accept_detailAre you the legendary hero I've heard so much about? Wonderful to meet you. I really need the help of someone of your caliber.\n\nSo, this is the thing: originally, there were some creatures in the [ZONE_TUSKE_JUNGLE|Tasuqian Boscage], but apparently they've become very sensitive since the transformation of the land. The [RESTLESS_SONS|Inexorable League] in the [ZONE_SHADE_CAMP|Shadow Camp] are conducting an increasing number of studies in this region. But the [WISDOM_EYE|Eye of Wisdom] also needs this information.\n\nA few creatures are needed from the jungle to obtain more information. But the animals there are very uneasy at the moment and so they are aggressive. Please set up some [<S>208388|Traps] and bring me a few animals from the jungle. I will then conduct experiments on them.
Sys427403_szquest_complete_detailThe animals need to be soothed with magic so they aren't so afraid. Thank you for your help. I will complete my tests and notes before the effects of the magic wear off.
Sys427403_szquest_descGo to the [ZONE_TUSKE_JUNGLE|Tasuqian Boscage] and use [<S>208388|Traps] to catch different creatures in the jungle. Then take them to [124200|Brandon Miller].
Sys427403_szquest_uncomplete_detailBe careful. Although they are just wild animals, if they are angered, they are just as dangerous at the [RESTLESS_SONS|Inexorable League].
Z34_QUEST427403_01You've already captured enough jungle creatures.
Z34_QUEST427403_02You've caught a creature from the jungle.
Z34_QUEST427403_03The jungle creature got away.
Z34_QUEST427403_04Catch Jungle Creature
Z34_QUEST427403_05You'll need to fight the jungle creature first before you can capture it.
Z34_QUEST427403_06What you've caught isn't a jungle creature.